Practical: Introduction to quantum mechanics / molecular mechanics (QM/MM) simulations


A. Introduction

In the previous lectures, you learned about quantum chemical methods that allow one to compute the electronic structure of molecules. In this practical, we will use these methods to study a chemical reactions of a DNA molecule. To be more precise, we study the dimerization of thymine within a DNA double strand.

Classical MD simulations, based on Newton's equations of motion and classical force fields, are quite efficient and allow simulations on time scales up to microseconds or even longer. A number of such simulations were conducted in the practicals of the last semester. However, classical force field cannot describe the formation or breaking of chemical bonds Thus, if we wish to study chemical reactions, we must describe the molecular system using quantum mechanical methods. Unfortunately, these are orders of magnitude more expensive and scale unfavorably with the number of atoms. As a consequence, we cannot describe a complete biomolecule (protein, DNA, ...) quantum-mechanically.

A simulation technique that nevertheless allows you to simulate the chemistry of biomolecules is called hybrid QM/MM (quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics). The idea is to treat only that part of the molecule quantum mechanically, where the chemical reaction takes place (red background in the figure on the right-hand side). The rest is treated using a normal classical Newtonian dynamics and classical force field (blue background in the figure). Notably, the Nobel Price for Chemistry was awarded in 2013 to Martin Karplus, Michael Levitt, and Arieh Warshel for the development of the QM/MM method.

As mentioned above, we here study the dimerization of the nucleotide thymine within one strand of a DNA double helix. Intra-strand thymine dimerization (see figure above) is recognized as the most common process leading to DNA damage under ultraviolet (UV) irradiation. The formation of thymine dimers has potentially important physiological consequences. This mutagenic photoproduct can disrupt the function of DNA and thereby trigger complex biological responses, including apoptosis (triggered cell death), immune suppression, and carcinogenesis (development of cancer). To survive the exposure to UV radiation, organisms have evolved complex mechanisms to repair damaged DNA. The initial step is usually the detection of a damage spot, a thymine dimer for instance. Subsequently, the dimer is either repaired, or completely removed.

Photolyase is an enzyme that detects the dimer site by binding to it and then catalyses the splitting of the dimer into the original pyrimidine bases (figure on the right). Photolyase contains a reduced flavin co-enzyme co-factor that upon absorption of UV light donates an electron to the bound Thyime dimer. The excess electron destabilizes the dimer, and facilitates the slitting of the cyclobutane ring. After the original thymine bases are restored, the electron flows back onto the flavin and Photolyase is ready to repair the next lesion.

Thymine dimers can also be restored without the help of Photolyase. In this so-called self-repair process, the dimer splits upon spontaneous uptake of an electron. Depending on the base sequence, such electrons are readily available. In this tutorial we will examine the self repair process by means of QM/MM simulations.

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B. Setup of DNA simulation system

In the following, we set up a simulation system of a DNA double helix solvated in water. A PDB structure of an helix and the required force field files can be found here. Unpack the gzipped tar ball with

tar xvzf setup-helix.tar.gz
Take a look at the structure in your favorite molecular viewer (PyMol, Rasmol, VMD). Zoom in and have a closer look at the nucleotides. You will notice that one strand of the helix contains only adenine and the other only thymine.

The simulations will be carried out with the GROMACS simulation package. On the GROMACS homepage you can find both the software and documentation (online reference and paper manual). To run a simulation, three input files are usually required:

Any GROMACS command is executed via a single Linux executable, named gmx. As shown below, a specific GROMACS command gromacscommand is called via a call such as:

gmx gromacscommand options...

First, we generate a topology with the Gromacs command pdb2gmx. The file helix.pdb contains two special thymine types with residue names DTa and DTb, respectively. pdb2gmx will read the residue topology database amber99.ff/dna.rtp, in which two special chemical bonds between DTa and DTb are defined. These two bonds make the dimer. Run:
gmx pdb2gmx -ignh -f helix.pdb -o conf.pdb
Choose the AMBER99 force field in the present working directory (option 1) and the TIP3P water model.

Please note that the commands in bold print can be easily transferred to the command prompt with copy-and-paste (select text by dragging the mouse over it with the left mouse button pressed, and paste by pressing the middle mouse button).

Hint: ls -lrt prints the files in the current directory, with the most recent files at the bottom. So you can easily see which files were written by the last command.

Next, we place the structure written by pdb2gmx into a simulation box (using the editconf command), and we add water to the simulation box:
gmx editconf -c -d 1.0 -f conf.pdb -o boxed.pdb
gmx solvate -cs spc216.gro -cp boxed.pdb -p topol -o solved.pdb
Now, we neutralize the overall negative charge of -38 by adding 38 sodium ions. We first need to create a tpr file, for which we use neutralize.mdp. First, we need to generate a tpr file using grompp,
gmx grompp -f neutralize.mdp -c solved.pdb
then we use the Gromacs command genion to add the ions:
gmx genion -np 38 -pname NA -o neutral.pdb -p
Choose 3 to tell genion that you want to replace water molecules by sodium (Na) ions.

Take a look for instance in rasmol (type rasmol neutral.pdb) to have a look at the system. To see the ions, use the command select Na and choose in the menu Display->Spacefill. In addition, switch on the box by unitcell on. You can also use PyMOL or VMD if you prefer.

Now, the structure is in a state of high-energy because of two reasons. (a) potential overlap between added water molecules and DNA; (b) because the chemical bonds that connect the thymine monomers are not relaxed. Therefore, we carry our an energy minimization using the steepest descent algorithm.

gmx grompp -f steep.mdp -c neutral.pdb
gmx mdrun -v -c neutral_mini.pdb
Observed Epot in the mdrun output - does it decrease as expected? Finally, we equilibrate the compute simulation system for 10ps. Use the MD parameter file equil.mdp for that:
gmx grompp -f equil.mdp -c neutral_mini.pdb
gmx mdrun -v -c equil.pdb
This simulation may take a minute or two. You can also get the final structure here. Take a look at the equilibration of the DNA strand in VMD. Because we wrote only the DNA atoms into the trajectory files traj.xtc, we first need a PDB structure file with the DNA only (take out sodium NA and water SOL from the PDB file). We use the egrep command for that purpose:
egrep -v ' NA | SOL' neutral_mini.pdb > neutral_mini_dna.pdb
Then use:
vmd neutral_mini_dna.pdb traj.xtc
and observe the equilibration. Do the chemical bonds connecting the two thymines look reasonable? Hint: If something went wrong, you can also download the trajectory and the pdb files here: traj.xtc and neutral_mini_dna.pdb

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C. First QM/MM simulation

We want to set up the system for a QM/MM simulation with Gromacs. The dimerized thymine bases will be described at the semi-empirical AM1 level of theory, while the remainder of the system is modeled with the Amber99 forcefield. Figure 3 shows how we split up our system in a QM and MM part.

The QM/MM division splits the systems along a chemical bond. Therefore, we need to cap the QM subsystem with a so-called link atom (la in the figure). This link atom is present as a hydrogen atom in the QM calculation step. It is not physically present in the MM subsystem, but the forces on it, that are computed in the QM step, are distributed over the two atoms of the bond. The bondlength itself is constrained during the computations.

To make use of the QM/MM functionality in Gromacs, we have to

These steps are a bit involved, and they require some editing in the topology. Because we don't want to go too much into the technical details here, we have prepared the topology, MD parameters file, and initial structure. You find them here. (Hint: try the command wget to download a WWW link.) Please download the file and unpack the tar-ball with
tar xvzf qmmm-system.tar.gz

Have a look into the structure file qmmm1.gro and into the topology You will find the link atoms with atom name LA. Note that they are defined at so-called dummies (or "virtual sites") near the end of the topology. That means that they do not take part in the Newtonian dynamics - instead, their positions are constructed at each step based on the positions of nearby atoms.

Open the MD parameter file qmmm1.mdp, where the details of the QM calculation are defined. Add the keyword AM1 for the option QMmethod, and the basis STO-3G for option QMbasis. For now, the dimer is neutral (set QMcharge to zero). What is the spin multiplicity (QMmult) if we have fully occupied orbitals?

Let's start your first QM/MM simulation of 1ps. For this part, we need a special mdrun binary that has been linked with the MOPAC library. MOPAC (Molecular Orbital PACkage) is a semiempirical quantum chemistry program. That mdrun and a suitable grompp been added to the tar ball. Make the two binaries executable (chmod +x) and use

./grompp -c qmmm1.gro -f qmmm1.mdp -n qmmm -p qmmm -o qmmm1.tpr
./mdrun -v -stepout 1 -deffnm qmmm1 -c qmmm1out.pdb
Since this run will take a while, we have provided the output files here. Have a look at the trajectory with VMD:
egrep -v ' Na | SOL' qmmm1out.pdb > qmmm1out_dna.pdb
vmd qmmm1out_dna.pdb qmmm1.xtc
Question: Is the dimer stable, or do you observe any bond breaking in the dimer? (Hint: in VMD: Graphics->Representations, create a new representation, and use the selection "resid 29 30", choose drawing method "CPK", for instance).

D. The effect of electron uptake

Now we want to study the effect of an electron uptake on the dimerized thymine, as conducted in the presence of the enzyme Photolyase (see introduction). Will the (unhealthy) bond break?

Open the mdp file qmmm2.mdp in an editor and set the QMcharge to -1, corresponding to the state after an electron uptake. Now we have a unpaired electron in the system. What is the correct spin multiplicity (option QMmult)? We start the simulation from the last frame of the previous QM/MM simulation.
./grompp -f qmmm2.mdp -c qmmm1out.pdb -n qmmm -p qmmm -o qmmm2.tpr
./mdrun -v -stepout 1 -deffnm qmmm2 -c qmmm2out.gro
Since this run will again take a while, we have provided the output files here. Again, take a look at the simulation in VMD:
vmd qmmm1out_dna.pdb qmmm2.xtc

Question: Is the dimer stable, or does a bond break? Which bond is breaking? Can you speculate why this and not the other bond breaks?

A final note: the first bond broke in less than a picosecond, suggesting that this first rupture is essentially barrierless. If we would simulate much longer, the second barrier would eventually break as well - on a much longer time scale. In order to observe the rupture, alternative simulations techniques are required such as the calculation of free-energy profiles or conformational flooding. These are, however, beyond the scope of this practical.

For questions or feedback please contact Jochen Hub /